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About the Directory

Sri Lanka Maritime Directory offers comprehensive information and contact details of almost all the stakeholders who provide the services in the maritime and logistic sectors in Sri Lanka. It offers the extensive categories with the links to the websites containing information on the sectors that is a key contributor to the Sri Lanka Maritime Industry.

Our Maritime Directory aims to provide a wide range of links to Sri Lankan Maritime & Logistic Companies, Ship Repairers, Container Operators, Marine Manufacturers, Professional and Government Organizations, Maritime safety, Sea Pollution, Maritime Law, History, Maritime Employment, Meteorology and many more subjects related to the Maritime Community, updating periodically to ensure access to the latest information.

In addition to the information of the maritime activities in the modern society available in Sri Lanka, an effort is made in this Directory to provide vital information in other sectors such as trade and industry, energy, science, leisure and environment , defense relating to shipping industry and excellent career/ employment opportunities in the maritime sector.

Further, in our website we intend to publish profiles of those who contributed towards our national maritime success so that their efforts and achievements will be visible and may encourage others to get published their profiles.. We are always open to suggestions, especially where people who should be in this Directory.

Team behind our direcotry

Interact with marine community using this single platform maritime information site to develop your business

Why Maritime Directory?

Remarkable Turning point in Sri Lankan Maritime Industry

Sri Lanka could achieve status of a rich country by utilizing the potentials in the ocean resources surrounding the Island with its mere strategic location on the key navigational routes in the Indian Ocean.

It is a well-known fact that 90% of the entire world trade depends on Sea transportation. In ocean transport mode, most significant components are Time, Cost & Credibility. Global ports such as Singapore, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Dubai have identified new service requirements and they have provided enhanced maritime activities having identified and catered for those requirements. In order to launch an economic revolution, Sri Lanka identified number of fields that have to be developed. For this purpose, government has commenced certain port development projects and port city development.Without such infrastructure development, Sri Lanka maritime economy cannot contribute to a sustainable growth.

Having realized this, we were convinced that there is a dire necessity of listing a Maritime Directory. Sri Lanka being located in the Indian Ocean as the main commercial maritime hub, has to be upgraded to a next level based on the following factors.


  • Existing commercial maritime services and products should be aggressively propagated in the World.
  • Worldwide networking has to be established for the fields which are not directly connected or contributing to maritime activities
  • Strengthening the inter relationship between each and every segments and fields in the maritime industry of Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka’s strategic location in the East – West route could be turned to main supply centre in South Asia by establishing a transshipment hub in connection with the rest of the players in the region by improving its infrastructure development which will bring essential geo-political advantage.

One third of general cargo and two third of crude oil shipments are transmitted through the East – West trade corridor. Therefore, the significance of Sri Lanka cannot be overlooked for its contribution to world bulk shipping trade that includes crude oil products and coal.

Sri Lanka has four main ports namely Port of Colombo, Port of Galle, Port of Hambantota and Port of Trincomalee. We should not forget that we have not taken maximum effort to generate the highest revenue out of those ports.

A mechanism has to be established and launched based on triple factors mentioned above to make Sri Lanka number one maritime hub in the region.

At present, services provided to the maritime sector have not been brought under one platform which will be achieved by this Maritime Directory. This directory is designed and built up on a scientific base which endeavours to provide all the information in maritime sector in Sri Lanka on a single platform. It was identified that the information available for Sri Lankan maritime industry stake holders are confined to very conventional way of information system as such Sri Lanka Maritime Directory has taken best effort to reach the Foreign Service providers as well as locals to access all the information in a single plat form. It is a result of an extensive research conducted by intellectuals related to maritime field as well as other sectors.

Most of Sri Lankan manufacturers and service providers have not identified that they are in an important maritime location in the region.

In designing this Directory we have catered for those categories also to enter in to maritime sector. One of the objectives in this effort is to open avenues for those local industries and investors to build up inter-relationship and also international relationship with their counter- parts in the rest of the world as at present there is no such connectivity.

We hope that Sri Lanka Maritime Directory Web Portal will meet a long felt need by providing these newest ways of information- sharing system.

Portrait your identification

“Sri Lanka Maritime Directory” could be identified as a major step for the empowerment of Sri Lankan economy with maritime entrepreneurship. Business community who has been used to conventional method to maintain their services and sell their product in the maritime industry now can make use of this Maritime Directory to broaden their Vistas in their businesses. To date Sri Lankan maritime industry could not maintain a proper access point for the world community to meet their merchant shipping requirements. In order to fill this vacuum an effort is made to bring all those information at this place under user friendly categorization by which those who need the information on services and products could reach without much difficulty.

This mechanism in a way is opening new doors for those who want urgent and easy access for their business requirement.

The information available under any of such listings under various categories bringing together suppliers as well as the receivers of the services will establish a milestone and create a revolutionary step in Sri Lankan Maritime industry. Therefore, you also will be a stakeholder in the said category if you make use of this opportunity to introduce your services and businesses in this listing. If you have not expanded your businesses using the maritime sector in Sri Lanka with the listing of your business in this Directory you will get an enormous opportunity to build up responsible and valuable relationship with other stakeholders in the global maritime and technical fields which were not opened to you up to date.

This is not a mere marketing Web Portal. It is an inauguration of a fine product which has been invented after long research by experts in the field of maritime, legal fraternity, journalism, marketing and Information sharing Technology.